
Mr. Cool Return and Refund Policy

Mr. Cool Return and Refund Policy

Undamaged product which the end-user has already accepted may not be automatically returned to us. This applies to all returns damaged in shipment which are not refused at the point of delivery. Undamaged product which the end-user has returned to the dealer may be returned to us within 30 days of sale. A 15% restocking fee may additionally be assessed to the dealer for any return of undamaged product.

In the event of a dropship product being damaged in shipment, we require the recipient note the damage at delivery. We are not responsible for and will not be obligated to cover any damage that occurs in shipment that is not noted by the recipient at the time of delivery.
Damage claims will be filed with the shipping company for any damage the recipient indicates was received during the shipping process, but there is no guarantee non-noted damage claims will be paid.

In the event refused dropship product is transported to us via the original shipper, you (i.e. - the dealer) are responsible for freight costs. The refused, undamaged product may be shipped back to the dealer’s pre-approved operating location. A 15% restocking fee may additionally be assessed to the dealer for any refused product, damaged or otherwise.

We will advise you as soon as possible if the inventory is running low and the item might be on
backorder. We advise you to handle this matter and communicate this to your customers at your

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